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The cheapest new laptop: EASY install any liGNUx as Manjaro on your old one

Your old laptop is already trash for you because it is very slow.

If you can recycle it to a computer that works, even if it is for giving it to charity, do it.

As liGNUx OSs desktops are much faster than MS Windows OS - MS WOS - probably you can delay to buy a new one, and years, and be "your own charity" saving money.

As EASY as to

1.- Download any Manjaro ISO plus Rufus or YUMI, and a 4Gb or bigger pendrive or SD or burn the ISO to a  DVD if you still use them.

2.- Start Rufus - or YUMI - to make a install media - pendrive installer - from the manjaro ISO or burn the ISO in a DVD

3.- Boot with the pendrive or the CD-ROM install media

3A.- Boot with the drive plugged and boot from it. IF NOT

3B.- Reboot and press they key to access your BIOS or UEFI - F2 or Supr usually - and setup the pendrive - or CD - to be the first media to boot - as EASY as to choose a MENU OPTION inside your BIOS or UEFI - and after that press the Save and (re)boot optiom

4.- Choose AUTOMATIC INSTALL when asked in the installation program, that you will start with double click if you want to

5.- As it is a LIVE ISO it does mind you can work without installing it on the HDD or SDD inside your computer until you decide to install it

6.- After install I recommend to install TPL-UI - TPL is already installed - to get great control - a lot of options -  about your battery use with a GUI - graphical User Interface.


7.1.- ASK A TECHIE FRIEND to do it


7.3.- Look for your questions as laptop boot key or BIOS/UEFI menu at google and or youtube videos,

PS: This simple instructions are wrote for everybody to understand from a non techie persons or "tech dummies" to any other one.

Because I found many find scary to setup an OS when it is as EASY PEASY as to read and click yes continue, to get the default options.

If you find any other way of making it better - even more simple - please comment, Thanks in advance for your tips.


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