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ARM laptops another great opportunity for LIGNUX desktop

MS failed with ARM phones because it's - not so - New Tech kernel is very slow compared with POSIX ones as Android's Linux and IOS?s FreeBSD.

ARM SoCs are working very well with LIGNUX in the devices that allow it as the Raspberry Pie and others.

Unfortunately no anti monopoly legislation ask for public drivers - no need to be FOSS - for LIGNUX as a requisite to be able to sell SoCs, and many SoCs have no LIGNUX drivers, including of course firmware.

But as Chrome OS is much faster and better than MS WOS and even more in ARM devices despite the last MS efforts, and they are close to have Crostini working with real time GPU virtualization with almost the same performance as bare metal one, probably the new good and cheap ARM laptops  will offer Chrome OS at least as a choice.

And then with that offer it will be easier for OEM and SoC malers to offer LIGNUX drivers, and probably some OEM would like to offer RHEL and or Ubuntu pre installed as DELL already do, probably because it is a good business for them.

This will not change almost anything except that once - general -people start using DEB applications in Crostini in this cheap - at least cheaper than X86 Intel and AMD ones - ARM devices some of them would love to dual boot, and there is a great chance for LIGNUX.

 The other one is to see cheap and good enough All in One 28" devices with LIGNUX pre installed in general stores thanks to some kind of agreement, that it is hard that will be done because there always be some offer to avoid it. - I remember being told by a Media Markt worker sponsored by MS when I was watching Chrome books that it was not a computer, That around 200 € HP Chromebook still works as new  and still is great for my nephews, with not computer skilled parents. My little nephew used it - with her login - before learning to read and write and I bet that almost none of the MS WOS ones sold then still works and also that very young people cannot use them by their own plus no way if they are "alive" and used daily there have be without many "software repairs"

Last but not least Apple also have a great opportunity here, if they are cheap - LoL - and good enough and be again the LIGNUX developers favourite devices they where long time ago.

PS: I think LIGNUX is a great way of simplifying GNU/Linux and we love KISS so I hope this new word will prevail as GNU is inside it liGNUx as it is also Linux LIgNUX and I want to thanks for showing me this idea and whoever invented it.


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