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This is what I do to my Manjaro XFCE just installed, in case something can serve others to configure yours to your liking, and / or copy part, I leave here the procedures, 

Original in Spanish, translated with the Google translator help, and curated, after it, so please forgive me some "lost in translation" issues that you would be able to find here.

1.- More readable: 
1a.- 168 dpi or 175% scaling 
Menu - Settings - Appearance - Font types - Customized DPI settings 

1b.- Panel 48 
Right button in Panel - Panel - Panel Preferences 
Size of the row in pixels 48 

2.- Panel above 

Panel Preferences- (des) anchor panel, hide panel smart
click on left corner, upload, anchor panel 

3.- Install gedit (and remove mousepad) 
Menu- terminal - sudo pacman -S gedit 
sudo pacman -R mousepad 

4.- On my Gigabyte AMD 970 gaming board edit / etc / default / grub 
sudo gedit / etc / default / grub add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "amd_iommu = on iommu = pt" 

5.- Install yaourt and flatpak 
sudo pacman -S yaourt flatpak 

6.- Install thunar samba complement 
sudo pacman -S thunar-shares-plugin-manjaro 
Excellent complement that also configures samba - necessary to restart - 
Do not install, thunar GTK3, because both the desktop and the panels depend on thunar (gtk2) and almost sure you will have to re install if you try to "update" it

7.- Install Chromium 
sudo pacman -S chromium 
I prefer it to chrome, which is in AUR, simply because updating makes it much faster by not having to compile it. 

8.- Install ChromeOS fonts
sudo pacman -S ttf-croscore 

9.- Install theme Numix HiDPI XFCE 

yaourt -S xfce-theme-numix-hdpi 

sudo pacman -S numix-manjaro-themes faenza-green-icon-theme 

10.- Select the hdpì or xhdpi theme that you better see 

Menu -Configuration - Window Manager - 
Default xhdpi or Numix hdpi 

11.- Create a lower panel that will work as dock 
Right button on panel-panel - panel preferences 
Next to where Panel 0 puts the + 
A rectangle appears near the menu, click it and drag it to the bottom center of the screen 
Reopen panel 1 preferences, in this case 
Anchor panel 
Hide the panel automatically - Smart
Size of row 96 
Style None 
Alfa 50 
Entry 50 
Output 50 

Menu - right button in web browser - add to panel - panel 1 - add 

12.- Configure desktop 
Right button on screen - Desktop configuration - directory - navigate to where you have a picture / s - accept, click on that picture I use this Cala Mariolu with lots of water 

Icon size 48 

13 Qbittorrent 
sudo pacman -S qbittorrent 
Search, download search engines, add them all at once from the download directory. 

14 Update kernel. 
or at least update grub sudo update-grub 
Menu - Configuration - Manjaro Configuration Manager - Core. Install in the additional kernels to the LTS you wish to have. 
The current LTS is 4.14.36-1 The most current non-experimental is 4.16.4-1, if you are going to edit music or video and / or you a music lover it is advisable to use RT kernels, 4.14.34_rt27-1 is the most current LTS . 

15.- Add indicators to the top panel 
Network Monitor 
System load monitor 
Before the Separator that already exists 
and weather indicator after  it.

I configure the network monitor 
(Without) Text to show 
Network device enp4s0 in my case, see by right clicking on the two arrows (network connection icon). 
(Without) Display values ​​as bits 
(With) Maximum Automatic 
Present data as Values 
Color of the incoming green 
Color of the outgoing red bar 
(With) Coloring values 

16.- As I have the system in a 120 Gb  M2 (SSD), And I have the documents in an HDD partition... 

I delete Documents from / home / user 
I create a link to Documents from my HDD - Thunar - select folder -Edit - create a link
I copy it in / home / users 
I rename it to Documents 


And that's it, I hope that some of my configurations, or the way to them to use other parameters helped you to improve your system.


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