WELCOME This is what I do to my Manjaro XFCE just installed, in case something can serve others to configure yours to your liking, and / or copy part, I leave here the procedures, Original in Spanish, translated with the Google translator help, and curated, after it, so please forgive me some "lost in translation" issues that you would be able to find here. 1.- More readable: 1a.- 168 dpi or 175% scaling Menu - Settings - Appearance - Font types - Customized DPI settings 1b.- Panel 48 Right button in Panel - Panel - Panel Preferences Size of the row in pixels 48 2.- Panel above Panel Preferences- (des) anchor panel, hide panel smart click on left corner, upload, anchor panel 3.- Install gedit (and remove mousepad) Menu- terminal - sudo pacman -S gedit sudo pacman -R mousepad 4.- On my Gigabyte AMD 970 gaming board edit / etc / default / g...
Mis opiniones compulsivas sobre lo que voy leyendo en la web, que suelo dejar en la sección comentarios, pero que me he decidido a cortar y pegar aqui para recopilarlas, por si a alguien le interesa discrepar sobre ellas, o simplemente seguirlas.